Does the icing melt?

Unlike 'yoghurt drop' types of icings Sweet Paws Dog Icing mix does not contain fat - so it does not melt. In fact you can oven-bake it to dry better. See the Ice 'n' Bake method for Dog Icing on the product page. 

How long will the icing last?
There is no simple answer to this. On its own, and fully dried, it will last for years. Our test samples on icing dry dog bone cookies lasted three years before our taster got into them.
How long yours will last depends on what's in the cake, cookie, treat, cupcake, etc that you put it on. You will need to test this for yourself. 

Can I store unused icing? 

Unused fondant can be stored by wrapping tightly in several layers of clingwrap, or vacuum packing, and freezing. Frozen, well sealed, fondant will last for up to two weeks only; as it freezer-burns very quickly. Other made up icing can be made in such small quantities that storage is unnecessary, and not practical in any case.



Does the Dog Icing Mix contain sugar?

Our dog icing mix has no added sugar (i.e. sucrose - common table sugar). In fact, that is the whole point of our product. There is, however, a very small quantity of glucose (corn syrup solids) in one of our base ingredients.

The product description includes a Nutrition panel. This information, along with advice from a veterinary health care professional, should help you to make an informed decision on the suitability of our products. We do recommend that you discuss the products with a veterinary professional before proceeding.

What are the ingredients?

Arrowroot (Tapioca), Corn/Wheat Starch, Albumen, Milk Powder, Guar Gum, Corn Syrup Solids, Hydrogenated Vegetable Fat (coconut), Sodium Caseinate (milk), Acidity regulators (340, 452), Vegetable emulsifiers (471, 481)

All ingredients used are human grade, however this product is intended as a pet food.




How do I ice dog cookies and cakes?

If you are experienced in cake decorating you will find things are similar, but a little more difficult due to no sugar in the dog icing, thus no preservative effect. 

If you have no cake decorating experience, we strongly advise attending a cake decorating course. What you learn there will be mostly transferable.

We also recommend looking at products produced by other dog bakeries to see what they are doing. 

Sweet Paws dog icing mix may be coloured using most reputable powdered, liquid, or gel colours available from the supermarket or from baking supplies stores.

If you are planning to flavour with peanut butter, do NOT use ordinary peanut butter. The oil in normal peanut butter will denature your icing. Bells Plantation PB2 is a powdered peanut butter flavour that is suitable to use (38g to 250g icing). Powdered carob from your health store is suitable. For doggy ice cream, AYAM brand dried coconut milk is a good flavouring, as is pulped fruit.

Where can I get equipment?

You are best to search online for baking supplies and equipment. You will find numerous cake decorating companies and suppliers. Dog-bone shaped cutters are very popular!



All shipping in Australia is Australia Post Regular Parcel Post.

We generally ship within one to two business days. 

We do not do Express Post at this stage.
We will be reactivating international shipping shortly. 



    Oil will also prevent icing from sticking to cookies, cakes etc. If you use a wash to seal cakes and cookies, don't use a sugar wash. Use gelatine dissolved in water instead.

    Moisture is your enemy. Normal icing is mostly sugar which is a natural preservative. Sweet Paws dog icing mix contains a lot of starch and no preservative. Moisture will allow moulds to get breeding within hours and visible within a couple of days. Moulds are everywhere.